Thursday, September 27, 2012

Myles A. Olson Fishing Award

One of the things we are doing to help keep dad's memory alive is giving a fishing award for 4-Hers who are enrolled in the fishing sports project. Here are some of the things we plan to share as we give the award. The Myles A. Olson fishing award is given in honor of our dad, Myles. He was a model of good sportsmanship. He loved the outdoors and enjoyed nothing more than sharing his love of fishing with others. Having a spot in Myles’ boat was a coveted position and he helped many an angler pull in a trophy walleye. No northerns allowed in his boat. If you fished with our dad you often heard the phrase, “How about one last pass?” To him that big fish was only a moment away as long as he was out on the water. I treasure all the time I spent fishing with my dad and only wish I had a few more 4 am toe tugs to enjoy.

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