Sunday, April 7, 2013

Erik's Search

We are home from our big adventure up north. Anna has been preparing her show and tell report. "Hello, my name is Anna Willman and on my spring break I saw: 208 deer, 4 swans, 8 wild turkeys, 20 geese, and 4 rabbits. I'm ready for comments and questions." The other kids also had a great time at the cabin and in Thief River but Erik's trip started out a little rocky. We journeyed to the cabin last Friday and had an uneventful trip up. Aside from fighting over which video to watch the kids were pretty good. When we got to the cabin Erik got out and started looking around. "I have to find Grandpa Myles!" He put into words what all of us feel as we turn onto Intrepid Drive. After a bit of looking around he remembered that Grandpa Myles was with Jesus and agreed to come in to the cabin.

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