Monday, April 23, 2012

Quitting Time

Today I was reminded of my dad as my kids pounced on Steve as he walked in the door. We were always just as excited to see my dad at the end of the work day...especially in the summer. Around 3:30 each day my mom would shoo us out of the house and tell us to go meet dad on his way home from work. (It's important to note that he didn't actually get done until 4:30)I suspect she'd heard "I'm bored" one too many times and needed some peace and quiet. We would set out with our bikes and walk toward the highway waiting to see dad's truck kicking up dust as he drove home. Sometimes we'd make it a mile or two and dad always greeted us with the same thing. "You donkeys need a ride home?"

We'd load up our bikes and ride the rest of the way trading stories about the day.

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