Sunday, April 29, 2012

Who's coming for dinner?

As many of you know my mom is a fabulous cook. What you might not know is that my dad was famous for rustling up dinner guests without telling my mom. He'd come in around 4 pm and ask, " Is it ok if so and so joins us for dinner? I figured we have enough food."

Mom would roll her eyes, take out another package of meat and begin the preparations. Although I know this annoyed mom on occasion I don't think my dad could help it. He always wanted to share what he had with others and he was so proud of mom's cooking he wanted everyone to know how great she was. He also couldn't stand to think of someone eating alone.

Dad, we'll miss your extra dinner guests but we'll do our best to keep your tradition alive...we just might give mom a little more than a half an hour's warning.

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