Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Gopher Girl

Today's story is about one of my favorite memories as a child, gopher trapping. When I got old enough I was allowed to go with dad to check the gopher traps. We earned a quarter from the township for each gopher that we were able to trap. We thought this was big money!

This gopher trapping scheme was also instrumental in helping my sister Katy get rid of her pacifier. Myndy, Katy and I were riding with dad and checking traps. As we were on our way to the first trap he started to tell us about a baby gopher who needed a pacifier. He said she didn't have one and was really sad. He must have been convincing... by the time we got to the first hole Katy gave up her paci and threw it down the hole for the baby. She was so proud that she had helped that little gopher. Luckily we did not put it all together that we had just trapped the mama gopher.

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