Friday, May 25, 2012

Walleye Dreams

Today I'm writing two stories because I missed yesterday due to some technical difficulties. As Steve and Jason get ready for fishing tomorrow morning I'm reminded of the fishing lessons I learned from my dad:
1. Fish on a lake that has some structure. For you non-fisherman that means you need a sunken island or something like that to have a truly good fishing spot.
2. Don't fish in the middle of the day....that's for amateurs! The true fisherman get up early and get the big fish.
3. If you are really going to fish you need two boats. One should be for taking to nearby lakes and the other stays in the water for those quick trips out.
4. No matter where you are fishing tell anyone who asks that you fished on Potato. If they asked how you did say, " Not bad"with a glint in your eye. Don't give anything away.

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